Name | Description | Size | Download |
001EVERYTHING.rar | The ultimate Dolmexica Starter Kit! This compressed file contains an example mod, all standard
compulsory files, all tools, the source code (engine+tools), the IP.BIN and everything else you need to get started with
the Dolmexica Engine. This is the one thing you will definitely want to get if you are new to this engine, this pack
contains all the downloadable files below. Inside the archive is a CDI image. Mount it with a program like Daemon Tools on your PC to access the files/tools/etc or burn it to a CD-R and put it into your DC to play the "White Version", Dolmexica's example mod. |
??? | |
1ST_READ.BIN | The actual game. This binary is a Dreamcast executable, containing all of the D-Engine magic. It was crafted with KallistiOS, the most popular homebrew OS for Dreamcast. The Source code is available here: Dolmexica's project page | ??? | |
IP.BIN | The D-Engine's IP.BIN, a so-called bootsector which is necessary for the Dreamcast's bootup sequence. This special one also includes an image which is displayed during the license screen, as a reminder that this game is homebrew and not a licensed Dreamcast game. | ??? | | | Contains files the D-Engine uses when certain custom files have not been included by the user. Contents: VICTORY.pkg, SMALLPORTRAIT.pkg, BIGPORTRAIT.pkg, NAME.pkg and LOGO.pkg. |
2.4KB | |
TITLE.img | The standard D-Engine title screen. | 53KB | |
MAINMENU.img | The standard D-Engine Mode Select Screen. | 93KB | |
MUSICMENU.img | The standard D-Engine Options Screen. | 49KB | |
DOLMEXICAI.tar.gz | The tool necessary to make computer-controlled D-Engine characters. Uses the _HUMAN.mvt created with the Character-Dolmexiler and a text input file. Contains precompiled versions of DolmexicAI, with versions for 32-bit Windows and 32-bit Linux. The Source code is available here: Dolmexica's project page | Varies | |
DOLMEXILER_CHARACTERS.tar.gz | The tool necessary to create new playable D-Engine characters. Contains precompiled versions of the Character Dolmexiler, with versions for 32-bit Windows and 32-bit Linux. The Source code is available here: Dolmexica's project page | Varies | |
DOLMEXILER_STAGES.tar.gz | The tools necessary to create new D-Engine stages. Contains precompiled versions of the BackGround Dolmexiler for 32-bit Linux and 32-bit Windows. The Source code is available here: Dolmexica's project page | Varies | |
DOLMEXILER_STORYMODES.tar.gz | This is the tool necessary for the to create new Story Modes for individual characters. Used primarily for the Story Mode tutorial. Contains 32-bit versions of the program for Windows and Linux. The Source code is once again available here: Dolmexica's project page | Varies | |
DOLMEXILER_STORYBOARDS.tar.gz | This is the tool necessary for the Story Board tutorial. Contains 32-bit versions of the program for Windows and Linux. The Source code is once again available here: Dolmexica's project page | Varies | |
DOLMEXILER_FIGHTERSELECT.tar.gz | This is the Dolmexiler used to create a new Character Select Screen and add new characters and stages to the D-Engine. It is used for the Fighter Select Screen tutorial. Contains 32-bit versions of the program for Windows and Linux. The Source code is once again available here: Dolmexica's project page | Varies | |
DOLMEXILER_ANIMATIONS.tar.gz | This Dolmexiler creates the different Animations like "FIGHT!" and "CONTINUE?". Capable of creating files for all Animations (FIGHT, CONTINUE, ROUND, JOININ and PERFECT), but still needs a guide. Contains 32-bit versions of the program for Windows and Linux. The Source code is available here: Dolmexica's project page | Varies | |
DOLMEXILER_WINQUOTES.tar.gz | Gotta hate these revealing file names: This Dolmexiler is used to create the type of files. Sadly, there is no guide yet. Contains 32-bit versions of the program for Windows and Linux. The Source code is available here: Dolmexica's project page | Varies | | | The D-Engine's standard font. Usually, the standard font is a dolmexified version of Impact Condensed. | 16.7KB | | | Contains all compulsory (.wav) files that are used during a fight. Right now, only KNOKDOWN.wav | 14.4KB | | | Contains STANDARDHITEFFECTS.hem and STANDARDHITEFFECTS.hea. | 17.5KB | | | An archive consisting of WINNING.hdr, YOUWIN.img and YOULOSE.img | 16.1KB | | | A template you can use to create your own credits; Consists of CREDITS.hdr and CREDITS.txt. | ??? | | | The D-Engine's standard "FIGHT!" animation that plays before each fight. Contains FIGHTANIMATION.fam, FIGHTANIMATION.faa and FIGHTANIMATION.sfa. | 53.3KB | | | The D-Engine's standard "ROUND X!" animation that plays before each fight. Contains ROUNDANIMATION.ram, ROUNDANIMATION.raa and ROUNDANIMATION.sfa. | 14.9KB | | | The D-Engine's standard "PERFECT!" animation that plays if you fight with epic skill. Contains PERFECTANIMATION.pam, PERFECTANIMATION.paa and PERFECTANIMATION.sfa. | 7.2KB | | | The D-Engine's standard "CONTINUE?" animation that plays if you lost to the computer. Contains, CONTINUEANIMATION.caa and CONTINUEANIMATION.sfa. | 28.7KB | | | The D-Engine's standard "A CHALLENGER APPEARS!" animation that plays if another player joins the match. Contains JOININANIMATION.jam, JOININANIMATION.jaa and JOININANIMATION.sfa. | 7.3KB | |
WHITE.pkg | Such a useful texture. | 52B | | | For the Arcade Mode: Contains WHOAGAINSTWHO.hdr and SHOWOFFBG.png. | 139.1KB | | | For the Arcade Mode: Contains SHOWWAYTOGO.hdr, SHOWWAYTOGOBG.img, SHOWWAYTOGOCONNECTION.img and SHOWWAYTOGOBONUS.img. | 23.2KB | | | Everything related to the lifebar and the timer: Contains GUIHEADER.hdr, LIFEBAR1.pkg, LIFEBAR2.pkg and TIMER.pkg. | ??? | |
KOMPRESSOR.tar.gz | You'd think the whole C/K swap joke would wear off over time, but it only gets better. This is the tool used to turn KMG files into PKG files. It uses QuickLZ, a compression library free to use as long as the project is released under the GNU General Public License v3. Thankfully, this is just the D-Engine's license! Source code is included. | Varies | |
2CRA.tar.gz | A tool meant to convert standard image files to the Crash Layer converter's input format, black and white BMP images. It relies on an external program to convert the input image to the BMP format first, which is defined in 2CRA.cfg. This pack contains 2CRA, to convert PNG and other "normal" image types and P8B2CRA for (.p8b) paletted types. Interesting enough, P8B2CRA does not rely on an external program. | Varies | |
OMNICONVERTER.tar.gz | An interesting little side project: Just drag and drop a bunch of normal (PNG etc.) image files on the executable, and it will create three folders, KMG, PKG, and BMP. The first two folders' contents should be clear, but the BMP folder is filled with the black and white BMPs the Crash Layer Converter uses. Before you start, you need to declare the commands for the three programs necessary (KMGENC, KOMPRESSOR, 2CRA), complete with program locations, command line options, etc. | Varies | |
CRASHLAYER.tar.gz | The Crash Layer converter. It takes BMPs as input, check out the Create-A-Character tutorial for more info about that. This pack contains the Normal Crash Layer Converter CRA(.exe) for characters and the Special Crash Layer Converter SPECIALCRA(.exe) for Special Effects, like fire balls. | Varies | | | This tool is used to convert paletted image files (.p8b) to the KallistiOS image type (.kmg). These KMG files are not compatible with the normal KallistiOS KMG loading functions, as of right now, they can only be used for the D-Engine. | ??? |